Slottable components
The main component created by the createSlot function accepts and passes the same props as the component or JSX element indicated.
Name | Type | Description |
renderAs | React.ComponentType ⎮ keyof JSX.IntrinsicElements | Element injected for rendering instead of default. Any props will have to be compatible. |
The slot consumes an array of children and filters for ones marked as the component
Name | Type | Description |
scope | any ⎮ ScopeMap | Elements passed for filtering, indexed using useScope |
children? | any | Default children of element, if any. |
defaultProps? | JSX.IntrinsicAttributes & React.PropsWithChildren<T> | default props to use with default element |
passedProps? | T | props passed to the element from the component containing the slot |
multiple? | boolean | Display all if multiple slots are passed |
withContext? | boolean | Components are composed through their immediate children |
fallback? | any | fallback to use if slot is not used |
fallbackProps? | JSX.IntrinsicAttributes & React.PropsWithChildren<T> | default props to use with default element |
childIs? | 'feedback' ⎮ 'default' ⎮ 'both' | Designate the children prop as the default element, the fallback element or both |
Same as Slot, but takes in a React Context propagated by the Slot with the withContext option. All other props are passed into the Slot. The context of the SubSlot can be accessed from a Component.Slot above it in the hierarchy by accessing Component.Context.
Warning! All SubSlot elements must be placed inside the Slot element propagating the context, and its context must be enabled in the slot template. Otherwise, a critical React error will occur, as a Context Consumer is created without a Context Provider above it in the hierarchy.
Name | Type | Description |
scope | React.Context | Elements passed for filtering |